Saraswati Vandana

An abstract painting done by me showing Goddess Saraswati's Divine eyes, Her white swan, The lotus on which she stands and Her Bina. We mortals bow to Her to seek her blessings
This painting of mine,
Has a message Divine.
It is a depiction,
Of a deep conception.
The Goddess Saraswati,
In all Her Divinity,
Riding her white swan,
Showers blessings since dawn.
She dwells within my Lotus Heart,
Enlightens me from the start.
Music from her Beena vibrates,
From head to toe it reverberates.
I am drenched to the core,
By all the blessings she pours.
Come Devi into the stream of light,
Reveal yourself glowing bright.
I surrender myself at your feet,
With folded hands I bow to greet.