
1 July, 2020 • 1 Min Read
Blooming roses in garden
Blooming roses in my garden
Roses are red, Roses are white, Roses are of many colours bright. Orange, Yellow, Burgundy and Green, Some colours not commonly seen.
Blooming roses in my garden, Swaying in the breeze, Oh! so pleasant, Enchanting beauty and fragrance, Their attractiveness is of prime importance.
Roses of many a shape and size, Uniquely delightful is what they characterise. Flowering on woody shrubs and vines, Generally signifying happy times.
Under their colourful exterior, There are hard prickles in the posterior. A copious endowment of prickly thorns, Which the leaves and stem adorn.
Life is not a bed of roses, The rose plant aptly discloses. Roses on thorns or thorns with roses Defines a man on what he supposes.
Trying to pluck the pretty flower Hurt yourself by its pricking power. Ups and downs have a strong co-relation, Nature's way of effective demonstration.