
Picture sketched by me
She is The Queen,
Who reigns in all hearts,
Spreading love and joy,
From wherever she starts.
She is The Queen,
A Queen of my dreams,
Driving me forth,
To excel in everything.
She is The Dancing Queen,
Makes you feel young and trim,
Come on, tap your kissing feet,
And swirl around as a united team.
She is The Melody Queen,
Humming tunes soft and sweet,
Creating a musical and joyous mood,
To sing forever with blues removed.
Capturing her in my mind,
A joyful state I do find,
It enables me to cook dishes,
Exactly as my family wishes.
I love this lady so much,
Drew her portrait with a magical touch,
Adorned her in exotic jewellery,
To create for her a special identity.