Prayer to Mother Goddess

Ya Devi sarva bhuteshu
Shakti rupen sansthita,
Namastasyi, Namastasyi, Namastasyi
Namo Namah.
To this world of joy, I had an invite,
Took mortal form with speech and sight.
My eyes saw all, my ears heard,
Played my tune till the soul got stirred.
O Mother Goddess, You are omnipresent,
Full of love and all things pleasant,
You are all powerful, I bow to thee,
With folded hands, please bless me.
Grant me a fuller life, quench my thirst,
Give me humility, such that I do not burst.
Endow me abundant space in Heaven and Earth,
For service to mankind there be no dearth.
I desire no credit for my achievements,
It's Thy wish I fulfill, as a commitment.
I took birth only to play my part,
Pray give me shelter in your Lotus Heart.
Do not dress me in princely robes,
Do not put diamonds on my earlobes.
Let me delve into this big human fair,
Your worldly stage I wish to share.
You rule the world with an iron rod,
We rest in your care like peas in a pod.
My salutation to thee, O My Lord,
Through my music I strike a chord.
My liberation is in the light of the skies,
I search for you with my inner eyes.
My liberation is in dust and grass and breeze,
Pray let me seek you with utmost ease.
Ya Devi sarva bhuteshu
Shraddha rupen sansthita,
Namastasyi, Namastasyi, Namastasyi
Namo Namah.