Our Glorious Sun
Since childhood I have been awed by the Sun in the sky. My books taught that it was the giver of life on earth. As I grew up I gradually realised the importance of it in our lives.

A red hot ball of fire
Lighting up the blue sky
For centuries and much beyond
I sometimes wonder 'Why'.
It sends us warmth and energy
We call it 'Our Sun',
Supports all earthly life
Therefore it is second to none.
It lights up the sky every morning,
A clarion call for the day to begin.
Moves steadily from east to west
Keeping watch on everything.
It has seen war and peace,
Witnessed kingdoms rise and fall,
Guided nations to turn around,
Motivated us in all our ups and downs with celestial ease.
It strings energy overall,
Surya Namaskar is our salutation to the Sun,
A sequence of asanas cleanses mind, body and soul,
Better than going to the gymkhana and all.
The lawn in my garden
Refused to turn fully green
Until we cut down the obstructing trees;
And the Sun's rays made the grass a verdant green.
Colourful flowers blossoming around
Nodding their heads in the gentle breeze
Sourcing life from the Sun above
Happily blooming with so much ease.
Imagine a time if it ever comes,
When the Sun no longer touches our life.
How cold and dark our earth would become
Difficult to conceive in our minds.