Corona Virus

Corona Virus, Corona Virus,
Your threat to us is enormous,
The spectre made us all very precautious,
We fight to make you utterly innocuous.
A deadly virus hitherto unknown,
Nature has surprisingly thrown,
Transmitted by touch it has grown,
Causing a pandemic fully blown.
Your spreading across the globe,
And killing people in a stroke,
Causing panic for mankind to cope,
Inventing a vaccine was the only hope.
We stand united as a Nation,
In a mode of preparation and prevention,
Undoubtedly we are a big population,
Determined not to succumb to your infection.
All our travelling put in suspension,
Staying calm and minimal with utmost attention.
We wash our hands swish, swish, swish,
Shaking of hands given a miss,
Doing Namaste instead of a kiss,
Any aberration we vehemently hiss.
Sit in meditation for heavenly bliss,
All distractions we promptly dismiss.
Staying alive is the motto in life,
Your lethal attack we shall survive,
From economic well being you may deprive,
Come what may we will certainly thrive.